Horizontal Wireline Services is taking wireline services to the next level.  Our new EcoDrive™ Wireline Unit achieved 2,321 ft/min on a recent pumpdown job for Ameredev, an independent E&P company based in Austin, TX.

Setting Expectations

Ameredev, like all operators, is always looking for ways of lowering overall well cost.  Realizing time is money, they set out to reduce costs by achieving a shorter time to production in single-well operations.  To do this, they need providers that are ready to step up and help find solutions.

Answering their client's appeal, Horizontal Wireline Services brought in the new EcoDrive Wireline Unit.  Adapting electricity to control deployment, the EcoDrive Unit provides faster logging speeds with more precise control than traditional units.  Faster, reliable logging speeds can lower wireline operation time, reduce standby time for the frac crew, allow more stages per day, and lead to a shorter production time.

Preparing for Success

Known as one of the most reliable plugs on the market, the team chose to utilize The WellBoss Company's Boss Hog frac plug with the patented HELISEAL® feature.  The Boss Hog plug performed as per design and flawlessly in a previous attempt reaching a speed of 1,950 ft/min, which is the speed that the competitor's traditional wireline unit maxed out.  Believing that the EcoDrive Unit had the potential to meet or exceed this mark, Ameredev gave Horizontal the opportunity to prove its potential.

Horizontal is one of the safest and most reliable wireline providers in the industry and does not generally attempt this type of speed.  However, to validate the new EcoDrive Unit's performance at top speeds and acquire valuable information to help clients lower overall well cost, the opportunity could not be ignored.

Taking advantage of the vast amount of well-data provided by The WellBoss Company, Horizontal carefully formulated the safest, most effective plan for the speed test.  Utilizing the 4.25" Boss Hog with HELISEAL frac plug and the ExT™ Wireline Cable for maximum efficiency, the EcoDrive Unit made two runs at lower speeds in preparation. After carefully reviewing the results and making changes accordingly, Horizontal was ready.

Exceeding Expectations

Performing flawlessly, the EcoDrive Unit attained a top speed of 2321 ft/min, 50 bbls/min, and an average controlled tension of 781 lb., well beyond the goal of 2000 ft/min.

"This controlled pumpdown was an astounding accomplishment.  We validated our new EcoDrive Unit's effectiveness and gathered valuable information to reduce our clients' overall well cost.  The Horizontal team worked diligently to build the best wireline unit on the market," says Nadir Nery, Vice President of Horizontal Wireline.  "A wireline unit with zero emissions, precise tension control, increased speeds, and reduced pumpdown time and water usage."

Horizontal Wireline Services' objective is to provide the safest and most efficient wireline services in the industry.  We aspire to this goal through a rigid focus on providing the best People, Process, Equipment, and Technology.  We realize that our reliability begins with the dedicated crew members trained to do the job right the first time.


Our congratulations go to the crew, your hard work and attention to detail is what made this feat possible.

Horizontal Wireline Services is grateful to Ameredev for the trust and cooperation in this controlled opportunity.  We want to recognize The WellBoss Company, whose well-data and state-of-the-art products were crucial in exceeding our client's expectations.

There is no job worth performing in an unsafe manner, no matter the opportunity or situation. Guided by these words, our highly trained crews work with our clients and providers to safely and effectively exceed expectations…the right People, Process, Equipment, and Technology.

If you would like to know more about how Horizontal can lower your overall well cost, contact your Horizontal Wireline representative to find how we can configure a solution for your challenges.