Horizontal Wireline Services is taking wireline services to the next level. Our new EcoDrive™ Wireline Unit achieved 2,321 ft/min on a recent pumpdown job for Ameredev, an independent E&P company based in Austin, TX. Setting Expectations Ameredev, like all...
3 Years & Counting - Horizontal Wireline Services Awarded Gold Safety Award Horizontal Wireline Services is honored to accept the Gold Safety Award 3 years running! Each year, the Association of Energy Service Company (AESC) awards energy companies with high-level...
Horizontal Wireline Services Awarded Gold Safety Award 2 years running. Reserved for the service company with the lowest recorded incidents in over 2,500,000 man-hours of work, the Association of Energy Service Company (AESC), awarded Horizontal Wireline Services the...
Allied-Horizontal Wireline Services continuously looks for ways of improving our Safety, Service Quality and Services. While this shows in our performance at the wellsite as we outperform all competitors, we are not satisfied and are taking steps to improve even...
Horizontal Wireline Services is the proud to be a finalist for the 2019 Texas Oilfield Services Company of the Year! Presented by the Oil & Gas Awards, this award recognizes organizations and companies providing multiple services to regional operators. Companies...
We take Safety very seriously and are happy to announce that Horizontal received the Association of Energy Services Companies 2018 GOLD SAFETY AWARD. This honor is reserved for the service company with the lowest recordable incidents in over 2,500,000-man hours of...