At Horizontal Wireline Services, our dedication to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles shapes our business practices and growth strategies. Our goal is to cultivate a culture where every employee is accountable for their own safety, the safety of others, the quality of our services, and our environmental impact.

2023 Highlights


Emissions Reduction

In Total Donations Made

tCO2e Emissions avoided

Recordable Incident Rate

Less Operational Costs

Total Training Hours


The Horizontal Wireline Services’ 2023 Sustainability Report encapsulates our focus and performance across environmental, social, and governance (ESG) topics. This report details our sustainability initiatives, policies, programs, and supporting ESG data that are material to our business and to our stakeholders. The information and data in this report covers Horizontal Wireline Services, LLC and its subsidiaries for the calendar year 2023, unless otherwise indicated. This report is the result of our ongoing sustainability journey which will be updated annually to measure progress, set new goals, and drive transparency and accountability for our stakeholders.


The purpose of this Sustainability Report is to assess the ESG progress of Horizontal Wireline Services, LLC (“Horizontal,” “we,” “our,” or “Company”), disclose the material ESG metrics that we measure across our organization, and set goals for a more sustainable future. The information and data in this report covers Horizontal Wireline Services, LLC and its subsidiaries for the calendar year 2022, unless otherwise indicated. This report is the result of our ongoing sustainability journey which will be updated annually to measure progress, set new goals, and drive transparency and accountability for our stakeholders.


This report is informed by the oil and gas industry topics and metrics identified by the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) and many of our initiatives align with the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The data and information included in this report has been reviewed by our Board of Directors and senior leadership team. In addition, we engaged an independent third party, Full Scope Insights, to assess our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in alignment with the World Resources Institute’s Greenhouse Gas Protocol, an emission accounting and reporting standard.